If you are switching from iPhone to android then you first thick about your contact that how to transfer your contact from your iPhone to Android device and it becomes bit tough task because iPhone doesn’t provide any direct option in phone to transfer your contact form iPhone to Android

Today we are going to share some easiest way to Transfer Contacts from iPhone to Android:

1) Manual method for transfer contacts from iPhone to Android
2) Transfer contacts using iTunes:

1) Manual method for transfer contacts from iPhone to Android

You can transfer your contact manually, first of all prefer this method if you have a few contacts to transfer because you have to transfer each and every contact manually.

Step for manual method of transfer contact from iPhone to android device.

  1. Open your contact in your iPhone.
  2. Click on first contact
  3. Select the ‘Share Contact option’ option
  4. Now you got to share via option
  5. Select any one from share via Email or Message
That’s all..

2) Transfer contacts using iTunes:

This is most common and easiest way to transfer your contact from iPhone to Android phone.

If you have iTunes application in your computer then here is a best option for transferring your contact.

Follow this few steps to transfer your contact.
  1. First off all you have to connect your iPhone to your computer.
  2. After that open iTunes application.
  3. Now in iTunes under the info section you will find sync with option.
  4. In ‘sync with’  option select sync with Google contact Option.
  5.  It will promote you to enter your Google account User ID and Password.
  6. If you have Gmail account then enter your ID and Password otherwise first create a Gmail account.
  7. Now the process is complete.
  8. Open your Gmail account, In Gmail under contact option you will find your all iPhone contacts.
    After synchronize your contact in Google account go to you
    Android device menu then select setting then account and sync then click or tap on Google and now enter your Google account detail and click on sign in. wait for while in few seconds it showing two option sync contact and sync calendar , select sync contact and click on finish button. Now you are done.

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